As summer approaches, many of the heritage sites much loved by day-trippers are facing problems because of a shortage in coal and the resulting increase in costs.
B.B.C. News, three days ago
Coal on the global market is so cheap that it threatens government attempts to tackle climate change, the chairman of the Environment Agency has warned.
B.B.C. News, today
No doubt there’s an explanation for this, but I don’t know what it is. (I shouldn’t think foreign-mined coal is insufficiently authentic for British heritage railways.) The second article refers to a dash for coal, which might account for shortages among smaller buyers but not for inconsistent claims about whether the price of coal has risen or fallen recently.
The first article hardly refers to coal at all after the first 10 seconds. I think the second article you link is correct, but maybe small buyers like steam railways are being squeezed.
For me, the joy of a steam engine is sufficient to mandate all railways in the UK to run on steam, be that oil or coal or even wood.
Saturday 1st June, 2013 7:27 am