At some point e-mail stopped being passed to my Gmail account. I’d been using my registrar’s nameservers, which seem not to accept AAAA record entries, so IPv6 was enabled on the server but not associated with the domain. Hence there was no IPv6 rDNS either. At some point Gmail started rejecting e-mails on these grounds: lateish 2013 from what I can find, but I have reason to think I was still getting e-mail from this server in at least late 2014... If you entered anything into the contact form after things changed, it won’t have reached me, for which I apologise, unless it was s.e.o. spam or something.
Cherokee is still maintained, if not exactly under active development, but absent from the repositories, so to keep using it I’d have had to build it from source, then work out what to do about the distro-specific aspects of my old installation. Hence I’m trying other webserver daemons, mainly Hiawatha at the moment. Since I use directory listings, I followed the suggestion to set TriggerOnCGIstatus. What that page doesn’t explain (and the manual doesn’t go into the implications of) is that if you have a CGI process dealing with something like this PHP snippet...
...the HTTP status will be correctly set to 302, but then the server will take over immediately and the Location header will never be sent, so the browser just displays an error page. So if you have e.g. a header redirection from /login to /admin after successful authentication, it will mystifyingly break.
Also, if you don’t turn on EnablePathInfo then something like /example.php/something (used e.g. by SemanticScuttle) will mystifyingly break.
Hence I’m currently feeling Lighttpd maybe has fewer gotchas, although I did have to spend time learning to persuade it not to send my extensionless fortune files as application/octet-stream.
Oh, and the weblog software has also faded out of active development.
Sunday 6th March, 2016 8:38 pm
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